Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Motivation is at an all time low when you meet...


Charlie Martyn said...

I'm detecting a pattern here...

else said...

yeah no kidding.

else said...

I think we need a rule about not invoking super powers that have already been used by other heros.

Dean said...

so can we mix powers like holy cow???
wtf??? Must be an offspring of good times Jesus and Mad Cow!
If that is your rule else you better stick by it.

Charlie Martyn said...

Due to the democratic nature of this game, no two people have the same idea of how it should be played. The general point, though, is to come up with a creative response to the previous poster, and this has to involve, to some degree, avoiding repetition. Nobody's going to want to participate if we rant or set a nitpicky tone about each other's posts--I apologize for kicking this off--so let's just agree to accept what's posted and play on!

else said...

No devil can withstand the exorcizing power of...Good Times Jesus

Babies cry and die when they meet... Mad Cow

Don't get mad when you can get forgiveness from... Holy Cow!

I don't see how that's mixing powers. That i said something along the lines of forgiving "just like jesus" wasn't a reference to powers of good times jesus (which had nothing to do with forgiveness). The only thing mad cow and holy cow have in common is that they're both cows. Which was sorta the point.